ABOUT remedy
Remedy Rising Botanical Prints creates magical, intentional, Spellbound botany prints on a variety of wearable textiles.
Our vision is to envelop the body with unique prints of medicinal herbs and wildflowers, charged with uplifting incantations and affirmative charms.
We can use herbs to nourish, sustain and heal us habitually, and we can also be allowing the essence of their magic to heal us every single day, through art and imagery.
Thereby binding intention and magic into the makeup of the prints, bringing the use of these blessed beloved and powerful plants, to a much deeper and full circle level.

Plants hold the voice of beings who are removed from the narrative of capitalism and human constructs. They are raw ancestral beings that are born of time and have no ties to the strain and drain and stress of the state of the world. These beings exist beyond our human constructs and their voice reflects the voice of truth, the power, and the essence of life. They exist in a dimension that is only accessible to us through the meditative connection to them.